Thursday, December 17, 2009

What's been going?

So it's been awhile. I don't like to post without pictures because quite frankly, posts are boring without pics. Would you visit my page if I didn't have pics?

So here are a few pics to sum up what has occurred since my last post. Click on the picture to get a full view:

Here we have Hannah's bday on Dec 1 at Hooter's. It was a cold and very rainy day.

Here we are at Julia's Briday Party at The Daily Review Cafe on Dec 5.

Here I am at Eddie and Jessica's wedding celebration on Dec 12 at Hotel Icon
And another one
Finally, at Michael's cousin's bday dinner at Beavers. Her name is Lysa, btw.

So yeah. Not quite so thrilling, right? That's what happens when you can't drink and your clothes start to get tighter and tighter.


  1. No we didn't make it to the movie part - it started at like 6:30 and we don't get home from work until past 6. Did you get an invite from Gabby at Gilt too? You missed out on $50 Gilt credit!

  2. We got an invite from the Houston Cinema Arts.

  3. pregnant or not, you still looking stunning as usual :) i need to send you the pic of you and michael from the wedding.
